Events & Opportunities

realtallk@MIT Student Ambassador Program
Lead a realtalk@MIT conversation project with your peers

Are you a committed MIT student with a focus on advancing dialogue work within your own campus community and beyond? Are you enthusiastic about being part of a leading edge effort to use technology and community dialogue to strengthen campus communities? Do you have a genuine interest in shared opportunities for collaboration, learning, and celebration across our campus and within your own student community? We’re seeking to recruit passionate, value-aligned MIT students to join the founding cohort of realtalk@MIT Student Ambassadors. This early group of student leaders will work to launch an inaugural realtalk@MIT student-organized conversation project together, learning through doing and providing feedback to the realtalk@MIT team along the way.


IAP 2025 Paid UROP Opportunity
How might we collectively shape a more sustainable future for MIT?

Do you have facilitation, human-centered design, or community engagement skills? Are you fascinated by the opportunity to explore how AI might weave into civic and political life? Do you want to learn how groups make decisions collectively on difficult topics? Join our team at the MIT Center for Constructive Communication during IAP to implement a Tech-Enhanced Student Assembly as a model for reimagining constructive communication and democratic deliberation for –and with– students at MIT.

Apply by 12.22.2024 5pm

realtalk@MIT Program Lead
Posted on 12.16.2024

The Program Lead will, as an entrepreneurial program builder, lead the realtalk@MIT program team and its efforts to engage the MIT community in creating durable infrastructure, build capacity, and provide ongoing support for realtalk dialogue projects across the MIT community. This includes developing and implementing with the realtalk@MIT team a plan for community outreach and engagement; establishing and managing relationships with community stakeholders; overseeing the design and management of tech-enhanced dialogue initiatives across campus (activating co-design principles with collaborating stakeholders); and guiding the team’s work with CCC and MIT on the realtalk@MIT program’s impact assessment and reporting. In close collaboration with CCC’s Translational Research team, the Program Lead will identify opportunities for piloting new methods and approaches in dialogue, facilitation, and listening and introduce CCC’s prototypes to support the design and implementation of projects.



Real Talk Program Administrator

MIT Center for Constructive Communication is looking for a Program Administrator to focus on the design, build, and implementation of the Real Talk@MIT program across cam…

Posted on 06.17.2024

Prototype Engineer

The Prototype Engineer will design and implement backend systems while collaborating with a diverse team to develop innovative software prototypes to promote constructive…

Posted on 02.14.2024

Call for Proposals: Community Conversations in Boston

Are you interested in hosting conversations with members of your local community in Boston to surface their hopes and concerns and connect with others across the city? Le…

Archived (Due March 18, 2024)

Constructive Communication Hub Lead

The Constructive Communication Hub Lead will work with other members of the CCC team to establish the Hub, building on and scaling up the RealTalk@MIT program run by CCC;…

Archived (Posted on 12.21.2023)

Program Manager

The Program Manager’s primary responsibility will be managing a diverse network of field pilot collaborators across local government, civil society, industry, media, and…

Archived (Posted on 10.10.2023)

Prototype Manager

The Center is looking for a prototype manager to manage the entire prototyping lifecycle, from identifying promising research concepts to devising lightweight experiment…

Archived (Posted on 09.12.2023)

Real Talk, Real Listening, and Trust in the Age of Social Media and Generative AI

A day long symposium to learn about CCC’s groundbreaking work on new tools and communication networks to foster constructive dialogue, listening, and bridging across di…

05.10.2023, 9am-5pm